
Staying Connected: A Guide for Introverts

Staying Connected: A Guide for Introverts

Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 has just come to an end. The theme this year was ‘Reconnect - with the people and places that lift you up, hei pikinga waiora.’

The positive mental health benefits of connection are clear.

Research has found that:

  • Happier people tend to have strong social relationships

  • Social networks promote a sense of belonging and wellbeing

  • People with a higher number of close connections (three or more) were found to have a lower incidence of mental health conditions.

  • You can explore some of the research on this via the MHAW website here

But how can this help people who struggle to stay social?

Eight things I learned on turning 40

Eight things I learned on turning 40

I’m not usually big on birthdays, but I turned 40 last week and it felt like a bit of a milestone.

I’m not depressed per se about almost being middle-aged (I intend to live until I’m 98, so I have a few years to go on that one), but I have spent some time reflecting on how it feels to be on the other side of four decades.

Without further ado, here are my thoughts on life.

Play, Fun and Flow: What does Mental Fitness look like in 2022?

Play, Fun and Flow: What does Mental Fitness look like in 2022?

For 2022 I have a new proposition.

Forget ‘getting the hard stuff’ done. Postpone your frogs, or just chuck them straight into your out tray and let them croak. Grasp joy wherever you can get it, grab it as soon as you can, and hold onto it for as long as possible.