
How to Be Happy at Work

How to Be Happy at Work

Experiencing happiness at work isn’t a matter of stumbling upon the profession that is ‘perfect’ for us and then riding that wave of joy into retirement.

Rather, like wellbeing, happiness is made up of a bunch of different components that can be experienced in many different jobs and workplaces.

So what are the key factors that we can apply to different jobs to have a better chance at finding happiness at work?

What is Psychological Well-being at Work?

What is Psychological Well-being at Work?

Most people are familiar with the terms burnout and stress, and have an understanding of what poor workplace mental health looks like. But what is it that we are aiming for? What does a psychologically ‘well’ workplace look like?

How to Change: A Practical Guide

How to Change: A Practical Guide

In part one of our guide to change we looked at the ‘stages of change’ model. In part two, we will consider five practical strategies to successfully facing change and how we can apply those change strategies in ways that benefit both our performance and our mental health.

Here are five keys to change that we can keep in mind the next time we are either faced with change, or we decide to strive for change.

How to Change: A Psychology-Based Guide to Updating your Life

How to Change: A Psychology-Based Guide to Updating your Life

This is the first in a three-part blog series about change in which we will cover: The Psychology of Change, a Practical Guide to Change, and How to Manage Change (in both yourself and others) while minimising negative mental health outcomes and optimising positive ones.

Change is a constant throughout our lives, and change can impact our mental, physical and emotional health in a myriad of ways.

it can be helpful to separate all of the cultural and mental clutter that surrounds goal-setting and behaviour change and figuring out how best to do it, when and how you want to and are able to, and not because an internet personality who exudes the scent of bran flakes while they do burpees at 5am makes you feel like you would somehow be a better person if you could force yourself into the same habits.

Eight things I learned on turning 40

Eight things I learned on turning 40

I’m not usually big on birthdays, but I turned 40 last week and it felt like a bit of a milestone.

I’m not depressed per se about almost being middle-aged (I intend to live until I’m 98, so I have a few years to go on that one), but I have spent some time reflecting on how it feels to be on the other side of four decades.

Without further ado, here are my thoughts on life.